Our 高中 Preview Day and Open House events for grades 9-12 are coming up!  网上注册


“你们要向耶和华欢呼, 整个地球, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord…” Psalm 98: 4, 5

学生 are taught to ‘make music to the Lord’ beginning in preschool and continuing through high school, preparing them for a post high school music education.




小学 & 小学高年级

At Eastern 基督教, music is viewed as a God-given gift to humanity. Our music education program strives to build skills that steward this gift for God’s glory. Our curriculum follows the National Standards in exploring melody, 节奏, form, 表达式, 音色, 音乐中的织体与和声. 通过声音发育, 动作和舞蹈, and introduction to pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments, students develop an appreciation for 类型 of music from many different cultures.

Budding musicians in preschool through upper elementary school gain exposure to a wide variety of musical styles, 类型, languages and instruments through general music classes. 学生 with a greater affinity for music can begin violin lessons as early as grade 3. Opportunities to explore other instruments begin in grade 4 as students have the option to join our beginning band, 管弦乐队, 或合唱.

Beginning band students can select a band instrument to learn to play. Beginning band students meet weekly for pull-out lessons with the band instructor. After one year of instruction, beginning band students can join the 管乐团.





Open to all middle school students who have a minimum of 2 years instruction. Weekly small group pull-out sessions supplement the full 管弦乐队 rehearsals. Two formal concerts are presented as well as additional performances in other community events.


开放至6日, 7th, and 8th grade students who have taken a minimum of one year of instruction on their instrument. In addition to 2 formal concerts per year, the 管乐团 performs at other local community events.


学生 in grades 6-8 have an opportunity to join a choir ensemble. 这个团体每年演出多次, showcasing their talents at various events including two formal concerts. 学生将提高他们的发声技巧, 学会和谐, 并享受音乐家的同志情谊. 






管乐团 is an instrumental ensemble including the woodwinds, brass and percussion families. It is geared towards those students who have a minimum two-year history of playing and reading music. Membership is based on consistent practice, attitude of service, and commitment to pursue excellence. This year-long course will challenge you as a student and a musician. 学生 are expected to participate in school concerts where attendance is mandatory, and students should expect the possibility of community events as well. 音乐会乐队在SOAR期间每周聚会4天. Once the fine arts credit requirements have been met, 管乐团 becomes a non-credit elective.


音乐会合唱 is a full year non-auditioned ensemble that meets during SOAR 4 days per week. 音乐会合唱 is a larger ensemble for freshmen through seniors. This course may be repeated in order to fulfill the fine arts requirement. 音乐会及合唱团研究, 一一列举了, and performs choral music ranging from Medieval Chant to music written during the 21st century. 音乐会合唱团的主要研究内容, 然而, to more 当代 vocal literature from a variety of 类型. This course will challenge you as a student and a musician. 学生 are expected to participate in school concerts, 春季野外旅行, 以及数量有限的社区活动. This course will challenge you as a student and a musician. 学生 are expected to participate in school concerts where attendance is mandatory, and students should expect the possibility of community events as well. Once the fine arts credit requirements have been met, 音乐会合唱 becomes a non-credit elective.


新葡京app荣誉合唱团是一个精选, audition-based vocal ensemble of about 16 students in grades 10-12. ECHC members must participate in 音乐会合唱 for the year. ECHC meets every other day for 1 block throughout the year. ECHC seeks to nurture and train students in the art and practice of small ensemble singing. 因为这是一门高级课程, students must have basic music theory knowledge in order to participate with the group’s challenging music and studies. 学生 will continue to grow in their ability to read music and in ear training as well. 该小组专注于正确的声乐技巧, 宽度控制, 切分音, intonation and 节奏 for dynamic small group ensemble singing. 学生们还将学习其他语言的音乐, 无伴奏合唱, 基督教, 当代, 古典音乐和百老汇演出的曲调. 学生 are evaluated based on their active participation in class and at performances, 彩排礼仪, 以及他们的阅读能力, 创作和评价音乐. 学生 learn music theory and write their own original song. ECHC is an involved and active ensemble in the community. 除了2场与学校的正式音乐会, the group performs at several other venues throughout the year both in and out of school; this includes some nights, 周末及星期日礼拜. Membership requires a time investment and commitment to participate in the performances. Participation in this group is a serious commitment and an extremely rewarding one, 充满机会, 笑声和很多的和谐!


This is a year-long elective which concentrates on music in the string literature (violin, 中提琴, 大提琴, Bass)从巴洛克到现在. Opportunity is provided for performance outside of school and for participation in Regional and All State 管弦乐队 auditions. This course will challenge you as a student and a musician. 学生 are expected to participate in school concerts where attendance is mandatory, and students should expect the possibility of community events as well. 乐团每周4天在SOAR举行会议. Once the fine arts credit requirements have been met, 管弦乐队 becomes a non-credit elective.

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